
Golf Only Rates for Kiawah Island Golf Courses

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                    Region: {{filters.Region}}
Rating: {{filters.StarRating}}
Cost: {{filters.DollarRating}}
Type: {{filters.Type}}
Designers: {{filters.Designer}} {{filters|json}}
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  • {{filteredListings.length + filteredBestSellerListings.length}} Results
  • {{mapTitle}}
{{filteredBestSellerListings = (Listing | filter : filterByCategory | filter : filterByBestSellers | orderBy : 'OrderBy'); ""}}
{{::recordId = listing.Id; ""}} {{::starRating = roundUp(listing.StarRating); ""}} {{::urlName = formatNameURL(listing.Name); ""}} {{::specials = listing.Specials[0]; ""}} {{::listing.Nights = listing.DisplayType.substr(0,listing.DisplayType.indexOf(' ')); ""}}
{{::listingURL = '/' + formatUrl(listing.Region) + 'golf-courses/' + urlName; ""}}
Best Seller
{{::getRegionFromAddress(listing.Address);}} {{::facilityName = listing.Name; ""}} {{::mapUrl = listing.Name.replace(" ", "-"); ""}} {{::mapLatLog = ""; ""}} Map
{{::numOfReviews = listing.NumOfReviews; ""}}  {{::numOfReviews}} reviews {{::modalName = 'reviews' + packageId + recordId; ""}} {{::modalTitle = facilityName + ' Reviews'; ""}} {{::modalSize = 'md'; ""}}
{{rateList = RatesList[0]; ""}}
Days Times Fee
Rates are dynamic for this course, please choose a specific date and time
No Rates Found
{{::rate.Days}} {{::rate.Times}} {{::rate.Rate | currency}}
{{::item.Id = listing.Id; ""}} {{::item.Name = listing.Name; ""}} {{::item.Address = listing.Address; ""}} {{::item.StarRating = listing.StarRating; ""}} {{::item.MainImage = listing.MainImage; ""}} {{::item.Latitude = listing.Latitude; ""}} {{::item.Longitude = listing.Longitude; ""}} {{::item.Region = listing.Region; ""}} {{::item.Type = "golfcourses"; ""}}
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Package Rates Only
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Major Redevelopment
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{{::recordId = listing.Id; ""}} {{::starRating = roundUp(listing.StarRating); ""}} {{::urlName = formatNameURL(listing.Name); ""}} {{::specials = listing.Specials[0]; ""}} {{::listing.Nights = listing.DisplayType.substr(0,listing.DisplayType.indexOf(' ')); ""}}
{{::listingURL = '/' + formatUrl(listing.Region) + 'golf-courses/' + urlName; ""}}
Best Seller
{{::getRegionFromAddress(listing.Address);}} {{::facilityName = listing.Name; ""}} {{::mapUrl = listing.Name.replace(" ", "-"); ""}} {{::mapLatLog = ""; ""}} Map
{{::numOfReviews = listing.NumOfReviews; ""}}  {{::numOfReviews}} reviews {{::modalName = 'reviews' + packageId + recordId; ""}} {{::modalTitle = facilityName + ' Reviews'; ""}} {{::modalSize = 'md'; ""}}
{{rateList = RatesList[0]; ""}}
Days Times Fee
Rates are dynamic for this course, please choose a specific date and time
No Rates Found
{{::rate.Days}} {{::rate.Times}} {{::rate.Rate | currency}}
{{::item.Id = listing.Id; ""}} {{::item.Name = listing.Name; ""}} {{::item.Address = listing.Address; ""}} {{::item.StarRating = listing.StarRating; ""}} {{::item.MainImage = listing.MainImage; ""}} {{::item.Latitude = listing.Latitude; ""}} {{::item.Longitude = listing.Longitude; ""}} {{::item.Region = listing.Region; ""}} {{::item.Type = "golfcourses"; ""}}
Please Call for Rates
Package Rates Only
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Major Redevelopment
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{{modalName = 'mapPopup'; ""}} {{modalTitle = 'Golf Map'; ""}} {{modalSize = 'lg'; ""}}

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{{starRating = review.Rating; ""}}
Reviewed {{formatDate(review.Date)}}
Reviewed {{formatDate(review.Date)}}


{{review.Comment | limitTo : 80}}... {{review.Comment}}